Write your first API Test using JavaScript

In this post, we’ll take a look at what tools/technologies do we need for writing API tests using JavaScript and then we’ll also write our first API test. So let’s get started…
⚙️ Dependencies:
First off, we’ll need to get the following dependencies installed to set up our base framework -
- Node JS and NPM (to install the packages below)
- Mocha JS (for test framework)
- Chai JS (for assertions)
- SuperTest (for making API calls)
- Babel (to use ES6+ in our tests)
Note: the above libraries/frameworks are optional to use, you can replace any one or all of them to meet your desired goals.
📁 Setup your project:
You can watch the installation video below to see how to install all of these packages and get your project setup.
✍️ Write API Test:
Once you have your project setup, we will begin to write our API test in the users.js
file (created as part of the installation video above).
import supertest from 'supertest';
const request = supertest('https://gorest.co.in/public-api/');import { expect } from 'chai';// watch the installation video to create your token
const TOKEN = {your_token_here}describe('Users', () => {
it('GET /users', (done) => {
// make a GET call to the users api
request.get(`users?access-token=${TOKEN}`).end((err, res) => {
// assertion to ensure data is not empty
// done callback to handle async calls
🏃♂️ Run your test:
Now, its time to run your test, you can do that by running the mocha
command or doing npm test
which will also run the same mocha
command if you followed the installation video.

There you go, we just created our first API test and it ran successfully 🙌.
Time to celebrate -

Check out this video to see a detailed explanation of how to write your first API test:
You can also clone the GitHub repo to access this code
To learn more about API testing, check out my free tutorial series here -
I hope this post helped you out, let me know in the comments below!
Happy testing! 😄
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